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Amrita Rao 2014 Wallpapers - Amrita Rao 2013 2014 Wallpapers - Amrita Rao 2015 Wallpapers

Amrita : Rao : born : 7 : June : 1985 : Amrita : Rao : is : an : Indian : Actress : and : model : Amrita :  made : her : acting : debut : with : Ab : Ke : Baras : 2002,,. She : was : then : noticed : in : Romance : Ishq : Vishk : 2003 : which : was : followed : by : commercial : successes : like : Masti : and : Main : Hoon : Na : both : 2004 : Her : biggest : commercial : success : was : the : blockbuster : romance : Vivah : 2006 : Her : other : successful : films : include : comedies : Welcome : to : Sajjanpur : 2008 : and : Jolly : LLB : 2013..